- Learning about the basics of paper formatting and the use of citation management software. These two tools are indispensable for any academic writing assignments and knowing them will save you a lot of time when you work on your term papers and theses.
- Zotero (install from https://www.zotero.org/)
- MS Word (or Apache OpenOffice)
- MS Word (or Apache OpenOffice):
- the basics of formatting with styles
- Tutorial: https://edu.gcfglobal.org/
- Also, see: https://support.office.com/
- footnotes; page numbers; page setup
- the basics of formatting with styles
- Zotero:
- importing citations into Zotero;
- managing PDFs;
- inserting citations into text;
- reformatting.
- Zotero Plugins:
- ZotFile
- Zutilo
- Better BibTeX
Reference materials:
- Tutorial for MS Word 2016 https://edu.gcfglobal.org/en/word2016/
- [Mac] Taking a screenshot: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT20136
- [Win] Taking a screenshot: https://www.howtogeek.com/226280/how-to-take-screenshots-in-windows-10/
- Format a plain text paper into a proper MS Word document using styles, and managing citations and citation styles with Zotero (email the doc file).
- Plain text file for the task: McCarty_Modeling.txt
- Use this PDF file as a guide for your formatting: McCarty_Modeling.pdf
Submitting homework:
- Homework assignment must be submitted by the beginning of the next class;
- Email your homework to the instructor as attachments.
- In the subject of your email, please, add the following:
, whereYourLastName
is your last name andYourMatriculationNumber
is your matriculation number.
- In the subject of your email, please, add the following: