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Tools & Techniques for Digital Humanities (2019W)

070112 UE Course in Methodology - Tools & Techniques for Digital Humanities (2019W) — University of Vienna, Department of History; Instructor Dr. Maxim G. Romanov

L01 Citation Management and Academic Writing - Part I MS Word, Apache OpenOffice, Zotero


  • Learning about the basics of paper formatting and the use of citation management software. These two tools are indispensable for any academic writing assignments and knowing them will save you a lot of time when you work on your term papers and theses.



  • MS Word (or Apache OpenOffice):
    1. the basics of formatting with styles
    2. footnotes; page numbers; page setup
  • Zotero:
    1. importing citations into Zotero;
    2. managing PDFs;
    3. inserting citations into text;
    4. reformatting.
  • Zotero Plugins:
    1. ZotFile
    2. Zutilo
    3. Better BibTeX

Reference materials:


  • Format a plain text paper into a proper MS Word document using styles, and managing citations and citation styles with Zotero (email the doc file).
  • Plain text file for the task: McCarty_Modeling.txt
  • Use this PDF file as a guide for your formatting: McCarty_Modeling.pdf

Submitting homework:

  • Homework assignment must be submitted by the beginning of the next class;
  • Email your homework to the instructor as attachments.
    • In the subject of your email, please, add the following: 070112-L01-HW-YourLastName-YourMatriculationNumber, where YourLastName is your last name and YourMatriculationNumber is your matriculation number.